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[Base] $0.91  (5)
Refractor $1.19  (4)
Green Refractor  /99 $13.38
Orange Refractor  /25 $12.89
All Sellers $0.82  (42)
mastro740 $0.82  (3)
kcjonez $0.86
gladdyontherise $0.88
tnboss95 $0.92
HomeTeamReno $0.94  (2)
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boxbuster777 $1.19  (4)
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Charity $3.42
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DoubleCanopy $3.99
mfactor35 $4.84
Boemer17 $5.14  (2)
ChicagoSpartan1 $5.14
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Owner: boxbuster777    Item: 80329383
$3.24 (54% off)
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Owner: boxbuster777    Item: 76511973
$3.42 (55% off)
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Owner: boxbuster777    Item: 76405538
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Owner: boxbuster777    Item: 85845326
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