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Parallels & Grades
[Base] $0.59  (126)
Raw $0.59  (124)
PSA 10 GEM MT $11.47
EX to NM $1.98
Refractor  /250 $1.40  (10)
Autographs  /99 $54.14  (2)
Green Refractor  /99 $6.29  (3)
Gold Refractor  /50 $11.75
Red Refractor  /5 $0.00
Red Refractor Autographs  /5 $0.00
Superfractor  /1 $0.00
Superfractor Autographs  /1 $0.00
All Sellers $0.59  (124)
johnnyjellybean $0.59
h2collects $0.60
Alist22 $0.62
dgrochester55 $0.67
AndOneInvestments $0.71
azpleasantville $0.84
alch $0.86  (2)
boxbuster777 $0.86  (9)
Rawl123 $0.88
papercards $0.89  (2)
thebrain1 $0.94
Nismo $0.99  (3)
HODLit $1.04
nordy22 $1.05  (2)
Doodwheremycard $1.11
halofan02 $1.11
junkwaxhero $1.12  (20)
penguinfan66 $1.12
TruthMarx $1.12
mjgcards $1.26
Cardsandmore17 $1.35
mr95cents $1.35
anakinleo $1.39  (2)
HangingSliders $1.39
fsuwagner $1.40  (2)
jimmykentuckyroadshow $1.40
threebyfives $1.40  (4)
BarkingCrazy $1.42  (3)
kyle_bowman69 $1.69  (2)
PC_Sportscards $1.69
Ajax1723 $1.86  (6)
CardKing $1.98  (3)
jdb222 $1.98
tmud13 $2.22
ljone34 $2.27  (2)
pokeyr22 $2.84
Sorrentino87 $2.84  (35)
TheBaseballCardCollection $2.84
ganggreen91 $3.69
IALauder $5.14
TMM $5.14  (2)
Set Tag: 337434
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